Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Toys... Emma's? Or Daddys?

We bought a bag full of Mega Blocks at the thrift store last week and after being sterilized, Martin decided to build. He can't wait for Emma to be big enough to play with him and the blocks! We'll keep looking for more to add to the collection!
His Mega Blocks version of the Eiffel Tower! He was so sad when I made him take it apart and
put them away! But, we had a party to prep for and the tower could not stay on the dining room table any longer! Here is Emma playing with her new toy. She likes the caterpillar, as it makes noises and has wheels and when pushed down, it inches along like it is crawling. Because it moves, it makes her have to move around more to keep up with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest little lovebug!:)