Monday, March 30, 2009

Trying Out The New Car

We found a Playskool car/push toy at a yard sale recently and Emma is trying it out:

I paid $1 for it, as it was in great shape, other than the little "hood" type flap was missing. Because it was missing, I did not know at that time that it was a name brand toy. I also didn't realize that it was also a car/vehicle. It was set up as a push toy and I was willing to pay $1 for that. Once we got it home, Martin started messing around with it and found that it had a button to push and it collapsed down and became a vehicle! She's not quite ready for the push toy, so a vehicle made it usable right now.

Later that week, the new Toys R US leaflet came and Martin looked through it and exclaimed "here is Emma's car. On sale for $24.99." I couldn't believe it! It was Playskool and it was a $28 item and we paid $1 for it!!! Thank you, Lord! She needed different, big girl toys and that one day of yard sales we found about $125 worth and only paid about $12.

She wasn't too sure about that car at first, but after a few times of trying it out, she now loves it! She is slowly learning that if she moves her feet, she moves the car. Come on, girlfriend. Going fast is fun!

Oops! Also learning that if you lean too far over, you fall off! And go Boom!


Unknown said...

Second hand stuff is a great way to help afford kids!
Loved the pics!
Just had to set the second one as my desktop.
Can't quite thanking God for this miracle baby!
Love, Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

I love the close up picture.