Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do Ya Think Emma Prefers The Color Blue?

We were at Wal Mart and Daddy took her to the toys to get a ball. He showed her a pink one and this blue one. They returned to me with a blue one and I was a bit perturbed w/ Daddy's color choice. But, he quickly corrected me and said that Emma had chosen it. I'm thinking "yeah, right. She's 9 months old. How did SHE choose it?"
Later that week, we were playing in her room and I realized that she did prefer the blue toys. You will see her here with blue shape blocks.

And here she could have chosen any book off the shelf and she chose the big blue one, which was on the far left and not the easiest to get out.

The video is taken when I had realized that she preferred the blue blocks and had tested the idea out several times and now we were showing it to Daddy. (remember to double click on the arrow to start the video)

So, what do you think? Does Emma prefer blue? Daddy is happy. He says this just proves shes gonna be a tomboy and like to do outdoor stuff with him someday! :)


Unknown said...

This is so amazing. What a little smarty!
Aunt Linda

Stephanie @ The Cozy Old Farmhouse said...

That is so funny! So much for your prissy little girly girl idea! : )