Monday, December 15, 2008

Going To See Santa

Mid-week, we got dressed up and went to see Santa. I was hoping that she would not cry! Right now, she is a major Mommy's girl and doesn't usually respond to strangers getting close to her so well. So, Martin & I also dressed up just in case she was fussy, so we could take a family picture w/ the big guy as a back-up plan.

She makes some silly faces when we try to get her to look at the camera!

This is another one of the holiday outfits from my cousin Cyndi. It was a straight skirt on that jumper and being a size 3-6, it just barely went on her and then didn't want to stay down to cover her diaper! Oh well, we got to wear it once.

She actually loved Santa! She was quiet and still at first, but there were not many kids waiting, so we got to take our time. He was quiet and gentle with her and she just hammed it up!

She loved the fur on his sleeves. She has the Touch & Feel books that have fur on the dog and the cat and it must have reminded her of that. She kept touching it and pulling at it.

This Santa makes me think of our Uncle Martin (Mom's brother). He also has a beard, but this guys face is very similar as well. Well, we asked Santa (& Nana and Papaw) for "big girl" toys. She loves her toys and is ready for some different things. Only 10 more days to wait...


Anonymous said...

Such a cutie pa-tootie.

Victoria Englund said...

Love her expression on the first photo. Priceless!