Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emma's First Birthday

We had a small celebration on Emma's actual birthday. I made cupcakes with sprinkles, Nana & Papaw came over for the afternoon and we went to Okeechobee to meet Steph, Robert & Halie for dinner. June the 1st is also their anniversary.

Here we are posing with gifts and cupcakes. Emma had just woke up from nap and had heard Nana's voice. She had just learned how to sign"please" and when she heard Nana talking to her, she kept signing "please. Please"! :)

Emma got a big girl toothbrush and tooth paste from Mommy and new dishes, silverware and 3 sippy cups from Daddy & Mommy. Got to find one that she likes for drinking milk!!

Nana had given her the Leapfrog Musical Activity table and Papaw had quickly put it together so Daddy could insert batteries. Do ya think she likes it????

Ok, here goes cupcakes... She has never, ever had anything remotely like a cupcake before! Martin & I are wondering whether she'll like it or turn her nose up at it...

Check out the frosting on her cheek, her hands... It ended up behind her ears even! She did like it and ate several bites. She liked to so much that for the next several days she ate 1/2 of one for part of her afternoon snack! I think she just might have her Daddy's sweet tooth!! :(

Lovin' her some cupcakes with sprinkles!!

Here we are after our dinner with Steph & Robert at Golden Corral. They had brought Emma balloon and Nana had brought more presents!

Do you think Halie likes chocolate cake??? ")

Nana Had brought both girls a plastic tea set for Emma's birthday! Emma is too young to play pretend yet, but she does like playing with it in the bath. Halie on the other hand...

Is loving her tea set! Although she drinks "coffee", not tea! :)

Here is the happy anniversary couple.

Nana had lots of pretty clothes for Emma's b-day and even had a few of the same outfits in sizes for Halie.

Papaw, Nana & the Cantrell's.

The Lovejoy's and Nana & Papaw, June 1st.

Here we are after getting home from dinner. We left Okeechobee after Emma's bedtime, had to drive 45 minutes home and I thought she would have slept on the drive. Instead she played with Papaw almost the whole time! I let her run around a few minutes before taking her in to get ready for bed. She had to try out the new music table. It took her a few days to get used to it before she would play with it on her own. But, now she loves it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. I enjoyed all the pics. I can't believe she is 1 already. I got tickled at the picture of Haylie eating chocolate cake.