While at Walgreens, Nana called and said "let's make a spur of the moment road trip. Let's go see Stephanie and Halie." SURE!!! So, she showed up to get us about 45 minutes later and we girls headed off.
Here is Emma in deep hunting mode...
Still hunting.....
Emma enjoyed playing with Halie's bubble lawnmower so much that she ended up getting one for her birthday a few months later. :-) (somehow that photo has disappeared....)
They had SOOO MUCH fun that day! Was totally worth the 4 hours driving time!! We had a great day with the Egg hunt, the trip to Stephanie's and time spent with family!
Then, it is Easter morning...
Here is Emma with her basket. Band aids, watering can, markers, pencils, among other things...
New shades!!!

and bubbles...
and her Children's Place Easter dress that I found for $1 at Goodwill! Perfect condition and it had the matching panties/bloomers. (Found it at the Back to School sale when all kids clothes were $1 each).
I hot glued paper scrapbooking flowers onto her headband thinking they match and will look cute for today, BUT by the time we got to church she had pulled it off and ate the flowers!!! Glad I got these beforehand...
Here she is posing in the pink cape that I wore for Easter when I was 2. She is much taller than I was. My Mom saved that cape and I have saved it waiting for this day to arrive. And it is too small and it is too warm to enjoy it. Oh well, cute pictures anyway.

The Lovejoy family posing after church ( minus Emma's headband).

Posing with Papaw DeLamarter
Daddy & Emma
Silly Emma sitting in the tree. She is such a cutie! And such a ham sometimes!
Uncle John and Aunt Linda were here for this Easter, celebrating it as an extended family with Grandma & Grandpa D, as well.
Emma enjoying her cupcake frosting.

Mom's yummy chocolate cake and my Lemon Cheesecake. Both were delish!
Aunt Ruth, Mom, Dad, Aunt Linda and Uncle Jon. The Delamarter siblings and their spouses.

Our cutie Easter Bunny!
Emma LOVES to help! You can see her play vacuum off to the left, but she want sot do the real thing!! Let's hope she still likes to help in years to come...
Hee Hee! Wearing Mommy's high heels!! She thought she was so cool!
Later in the month it was Emma's 2nd cousin Isaiah's birthday (my cousin Cyndi's 2nd son). He had a cowboy party, but it decided to rain that day and they moved the party inside.
Halie Dawn
Emma Rose riding the horse.... over and over...

She had a cute bandanna fabric dress to wear, but had no boots... SHE DID NOT WANT TO STOP RIDING THE HORSE!!
Josiah Glidewell
Emma and her cousins: Isaiah, Josiah, and Halie
Here is the new prototype Coupon Binder Cover that I have made (for my coupon addiction):
It is to cover a regular binder to make it look nicer and easier to carry. I searched online and found Coupon Clutch. They make them for about $40. I made this one for free just to see if it would work.
It did and I then made another one out of remnant toille fabric. Mom ended up with this tan one. It has straps to carry it like a tote bag and the flaps to cover the ends so that nothing falls out. I spent about $5 on the new one.
Happy Anniversary Dee Dee and Martin, April 16th , 2010 makes for 5 years together.
Playing Playdough for one of the first times. I made the flower and butterfly for her.
Enjoying the "big park". She loves to climb and slide and swing...
She's so brave! has no fear!
Such a big girl!
Now we're trying out this Playdough business on our own...
She does love to use the dough now. So far she hasn't attempted eating it either... I'm sure that will come tho.
She loves playing with her tea set (from Nana) and using her new table and chairs. Check out her many pcs. of art on the walls too. :-)
Some of you wish I would blog more often and sometimes I wish I had kept up with it too, but it takes SOOOO long to upload the stinking pictures! It took from 9PM to 12:10AM to upload these pictures many months ago and I just now got to the journaling part!! Oh well, we are only 10 months behind....
Then, it is Easter morning...
and bubbles...
The Lovejoy family posing after church ( minus Emma's headband).
Posing with Papaw DeLamarter
Mom's yummy chocolate cake and my Lemon Cheesecake. Both were delish!
Our cutie Easter Bunny!
She had a cute bandanna fabric dress to wear, but had no boots... SHE DID NOT WANT TO STOP RIDING THE HORSE!!
Here is the new prototype Coupon Binder Cover that I have made (for my coupon addiction):
Some of you wish I would blog more often and sometimes I wish I had kept up with it too, but it takes SOOOO long to upload the stinking pictures! It took from 9PM to 12:10AM to upload these pictures many months ago and I just now got to the journaling part!! Oh well, we are only 10 months behind....
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