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Lovejoy Christmas Fun
Christmas morning we actually got to sleep in about a half hour!! Emma went to bed late because of the Christmas Eve service and looking at local lights and then actually slept in a bit longer!! Woo hoo!
Stockings are opened on our bed first thing. Emma liked her car books with wheels, her socks, but LOVED the huge candy cane!! She made a sticky mess of all the stocking stuff that morning!! :-)
Still yummin' on that peppermint stick!
Mommy's goodies included a candle, book, shower gel & body spray, jammies & a plastic onion keeper that looks lie a red onion. ( I asked for one, so Martin did good!)
M & M's in the stocking have been a Delamarter family tradition all my life, so they are now part of the Lovejoy's as well. Here are Daddy & Emma chowing down on the "chockie".
Martin and his goodies: Gillette body wash, deodorant, razor, car fresheners, chocolate...
WOW!! What did Santa bring you? A Kangaroo Climber. (thank you Grammy & Gramps) One gift each year will be open, put together, set up, etc... as if it comes from Santa. My bestest friend has done this tradition with her kids and we liked it. So, we adopted it this year too. I like the wonder of it all, believing in Santa and letting the jolly old elf be a part of our celebration, but not let him be the sole focus of it all.
With only a few gifts to each of us and only 3 to Emma, it makes for a sparse looking tree... But, it was all good.
After stockings and the gift from Santa, came Christmas breakfast: Maple sausages, eggs and homemade Pumpkin waffles. OJ and chocolate milk too. :=)
After breakfast, we read the Christmas story, which was from her Precious Moments Bible Story book this year, and then we opened gifts.
Daddy opening his gift from Emma (& Mommy). I uploaded photos of him and Emma and had a photo book made. I could hardly stand it waiting until Christmas to give it to him!! Probably one of the best things I have ever given him I think.
WOW!! A Mega Blocks tractor from Daddy. Actually her response was more of an "oooh", not Wow.
Check out her goodies: 3 gifts from us was what we decided to start this year. 3 gifts was good for the Baby King, so it is good enough for our baby girl. Warm jammies for winter (she has outgrown the current size), tractor w/ some blocks and a farmer, and a Magic Writer w/ a mini version for the car.
Jessika getting cozy under the tree.
My Mac laptop was my gift. My other laptop is heavy and several years old and was moving slower and slower... This is quite expensive if bought new, but my ever clever hubby found a place that refurbishes them and sells them for much less.
Daddy and his stash of goodies: Notice the Craftsman emblem on all of them?? He hit the Black Friday sale EARLY before he went to work and chose his own gifts.
Playing on the wonderful climber!! I hope she enjoys this just as much when it is outside!
After opening gifts and a bit of play time, Emma had to have a rest. So, we went out on the porch and enjoyed the morning. The cats came out to join us and they got to "open" their sock, as well.
They both needed new food dishes, as Miss Emma helps feed them each day and has dropped their bowls! Chipped and even broken. But, she loves to help! So, Santa brought the cats new PLASTIC ones!! :=) Smart ol' guy isn't he?? They also got new cat treats.
After her rest time, she had to go out and check out the climber that Daddy had re-set up in the back yard. (Check out Daddy in his Christmas jammies)
We had a relaxed day at home with a small lunch and then headed off to Mom & Dad's for an evening buffet and gift opening with our family. We did the extended family meal and White Elephant gift exchange a few days later. This was the first time since being married, that we actually had most of the day at home. It fell on the right day this year and just worked out best for all involved to do it this way. It was a nice thing.
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