Today was a daddy & daughter day as Dee Dee was busy with a cropping party and the annual Stuart airshow was in town. Well, I wasn't going to miss that opportunity to have some fun for a day acting like a big kid so I thought I would take Emma along to see if she would share her daddy's interest in all things flying. As it turned out she had a real blast and had some real tomboy fun on these big boy toys.
After a fun filled day at the airshow without any break I knew she would not last long before crashing and this happened as soon as we started walking back to the car. Once there were no more big toys to play with she was asleep in her seat immediately before I was even at the car. After a quick cat nap she was recharged enough to tell mommy all about her wonderful tomboy adventure when we picked up Dee Dee from her crop.
It looks like I will have to show Emma some of my flight simulation programs for the computer now that she has shown a flair for wanting to get in the air.
I really enjoyed this post! Martin, it sounds like you and Emma had a blast.
Now that's my idea of a daddy-daughter day out!
I just LOVED this blog. Had to read it aloud to Jon. How my heart was warmed with the thread of pride and happiness that ran all though it.
I thank God that Martin has his special little miracle from Heaven!
Isn't our God so very good.
Emma, just a dream come true.
We love your dear little family. Thanks over and over for sharing your joy with us online.
Love, Aunt Linda and Uncle Jon
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