Here we are meeting Gramps for the first time. (At least that she knows of) They had arrived long after Emma had gone to bed the night before, so they were eager to see her!
She was very cheerful and happy to see them and within a few minutes she had a hug for each of them. We had been praying for them and their safety for weeks and when she saw them, she folded her hands, as if to connect the dots of praying for this Grammy & Gramps, seeing their photo AND actually seeing them in person. Such a clever little girl!
Getting to know one another. Grammy helped Emma with her breakfast that morning. That first day we had some grocery shopping to do and we ate out at Red Lobster and had All You Can Eat Shrimp!! YUMMO!!!
Sunday was church. We have been attending a different church these past 7 months and LOVE IT, BUT... it was waaayy different than what Mum & Dad are used to or had been to at Hobe Sound. But, Mum enjoyed the entire experience!! After church we found a local veg/fruit market and took some pics. at their punkin patch.
Grammy & Gramps Lovejoy with Emma. She had a cute outfit to wear for this day, courtesy of cousin Halie. :)
Check out the size of that LEMON!!! YES!! A lemon!! Never have seen one that big before!!
Playing blocks with Gramps. As you know, she loves to play build 'em up and knock 'em down!! She just took Gramps heart and wrapped herself right around it!!
I made dinner one evening and invited my parents to eat with us. We had pasta, garlic knots, salad and... Mom brought dessert.
I LOVE the fact that we got to take pictures of Emma with BOTH of her Grandpas and BOTH of her Grandmas!
Daddy & Gramps designed the table and Gramps took it on as his weeks project. We had bought her the chairs at a yard sale back in the summer, but she needed a table. Now, it needs some paint... She LOVES sitting at it and playing with her toys there, as well.
This 10 days was like a vacation for Emma and I, as well. We did some shopping, ate out on the weekends, cooked at home thru the week, and on this day we spent the morning at the beach. Emma was ok until that first wave splashed her and then the sand shifted under her feet!! She screeched and cried!!
Then she settled down and had fun running around and collecting shells. She brought them home and has them on the porch and in her sandbox. She looks SOOO cute in her floppy hat and sunglasses!
I saw a crab skittering along several feet away and Dad went over to have a look, so I got a picture of it.
On this day we visited the park. Emma AND Gramps had such fun swinging, sliding, bouncing on the horses and climbing the different climbers. (we went shopping and found Mum some new clothes at Sears the day before. Her capris were different for her, but made her feel more comfortable with the heat.)
About 3 different times we visited the fountains. This pic. was from Indian Riverside Park. Emma was terrified when we first got there! The height of the spray was waaayy more than she was used to and the center one was enormous! After about 25 minutes, she finally settled in and had fun.
Here she is having a ball!
Halloween afternoon, we went to a local church's "Trunk or Treat" event. This is where the people of the church park their vehicle and use the rear end as their site. They decorate it in MANY varied ways!! This one is done up as "Daniel & the Lion's Den. (This family did Noah's ark last year and it was superb!!)
This one was a ship built around their trailer and it shot confetti from the cannon.
Stephanie and Halie went with us and Martin pulled them around in Emma's wagon. Here we have stopped in the shade to have a bite to eat. They were passing out bean burritos, popcorn, sno cones and hot dogs.
Here is Halie, the pink cowgirl. She had pink spurs, pink holster and hat.
I found Emma's ladybug costume for $3. It was her size and I never tried it on her before today.... OOPS!!! It just BARELY fit! With the hood pulled up, you can see it fitting snug around her head and neck. So, we put the hood up for pics. only! She has never really had candy and the one time she tried a lollipop, she did not care for it. Today she liked this chocolate tootsie pop tho!!! Don't get used to it, kiddo!! Mommy keeps the sugar and candy to an almost null level for Emma.
We ended the evening at Sonic, with Cherry Lime aids and 50 cent corn dogs. We had such a good time together!!
Their 2nd Sunday here, we went to Hobe Sound for church and lunch at Mom & Dad's. We got some nice pics. after church. Just wish we had someone to take the pic. for us so that ALL of us could be in the SAME one!
My parents, Pat & Phil getting dinner ready. Mum & Dad Lovejoy enjoyed eating Thanksgiving dinner with us 2 years ago, so we had a turkey dinner. Check out the beginnings of my Dad's beard!! First time EVER! He started it as a mustache -goatee, but Mom said "NO WAY! No Colonel Sanders! A full beard or nothing!"
The sun coming in the window messed up these pics, but I had to choose the better one. You can see Mom's decorated table and dining room and that Grandma D is there without Grandpa. (He had fallen and was very sore and couldn't move well)

Turkey, dressing, mashed taters & gravy, green bean casserole, biscuits, and more, but I can't remember it all!
After lunch and Emma's nap in Hobe Sound,we scurried home so that we could teach Mum & Dad how to play Corn Hole. We teamed up and played guys against girls. Who do you think won? Hmmmm.... not me!! I enjoy the game alot, but I have no consistency!
Auntie Sarah sent Emma this romper. We decided to use it as jammies. She looks cute in it, but when it was bedtime and the bones glowed in the dark -it kept her awake for about 45 minutes!! I was just about ready to go in and change her when she finally fell asleep!
Here is out 3rd visit to the fountains. Emma loves the water so much! I bought her swinsuit last year and the the water sandals this and they go together without planning it out.
Mike & Jean Lovejoy, A.K.A "Grammy & Gramps"
at Tradition. We took pics. here last year, as well.
Taking the last few pictures before Emma's bedtime, the last evening of their visit.
We had forgotten to get a picture of Gramps building the table or of Emma and Gramps playing at it, so we took a group one. Emma is playing with Mega Blocks farm set from her cousins in England. She has kept it on that table ever since and plays with it daily! Daddy removed it to move the table at Thanksgiving and she had a cow! Carried it right back to the table and was trying to tell Daddy that he should not have moved it!
We had such a great time during their visit! Emma loves to point them out in her photo album and always folds her hands, still connecting those "dots". Now, I need to print some of these new photos and add them to her book.
I was very impressed with the Daniel and the Lions Den display. I would like to replicate this at an event that we are having at our church. Could you provide me a contact who would know how your display was made?
I don't know how it was made or even who the people are. It was a local church in town. If you want more info you could contact Morningside Church in Port St Lucie, FL. They have this same family that does these glorious Trunk or Treat displays every year.
BTW, how did you find me??
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