First off let me begin by saying that I am finally blogging events and happenings from the month that we are just barely still in!! LOL!! Think I am a bit behind?? We downgraded our internet connection and it makes my photo upload time longer and it gets a bit frustrating for someone who is soooo very patient... I mean, impatient. :) Anyway, here is the next one:
Martin LOVES Marmite. It is an English thing. Australians have Veggiemite. Martin insists they are different. (Like we would differentiate between Coke & Pepsi.) It is definitely a love it or HATE it kind of thing!!! (Right Hancock family???) Daddy loves it. Mommy hates it. Emma... well, what do you think?

She was having a cracker snack and Daddy decided to smear a small bit on her cracker to see if she would eat it. She ate it on 2!! Smeared all over her cute face! Startin' out bad habits young? Or adding to her flavor palette?
Martin will just spread it on a piece of toast, bread, crackers... and eat it! UGH! You have no idea how "ugh" it is!! But, to each his own. His family and friends all bring him jars of it when they visit. It is not the easiest thing to find over here and when you do it is not cheap!

A tiny jar, about half this size was $6 at Publix, where I had never seen it before, but they do have a small English section. We're talking about the size of 2 of those mini jam/jelly jars that come in holiday gift baskets. Tiny.
He has been given a Marmite cookbook and we have tried 2 of the recipes from it. And to be quite truthful, they are both delish! Used as a flavouring, it is ok, but simply smeared on toast is awful!! Martin is happy that his half English daughter is liking his favorite snackfood.
I have to shrink my pics down to 30% to get them to load properly.
I've missed your blogging. Thought maybe you had gone to facebook and deserted your blog like so many we know. Glad to know your still around. I don't do facebook so it is nice to be able to see all the family.
Yuck! : )
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