OK, some of you are loyal, faithful addicts...
uhm, I mean followers. :) And are complaining because I haven't blogged enough this week! :) Sorry! I have been
scrapbooking and
journaling more than usual this week. See my other blog to see why.
Emma has been cutting teeth for "ever" it seems. And once the top right one poked
thru, you could see the top left one was almost ready and you could see the shape of her front right one almost ready. But the actual front left was not. Well, we got the 2 teeth next to her front and then to our amazement the front left one that I was not prepared for came in and then her front right. All within 2 or 3 weeks. So we were constantly chewing on frozen "
chewies". I mean 3 & 4 each wake time! Motrin was our friend!!!

You can only see her bottom two teeth when she is talking or smiling. So...

Mommy had to intervene and stick her hand in there so we could try and get photos! In this one we have 3 teeth in and that 4
th one is ready, but hasn't poked
thru yet.

She was not happy about this! I got one photo each time and she was ready to explode at me!

OK, no more blogging until next week. We are off to Stephanie & Robert's for the weekend. Gonna play some "
wii", babysit Halie so they can celebrate their anniversary and we'll just enjoy a weekend away. Love to ya all!
Some of you (& you know who you are) never leave me a comment! That is called "lurking". You read, but don't comment means you lurk! :) Take a sec and give me
a comment so I know you have been here.
I've been here. :)
Been here.
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