Daddy loves baby Emma!
I just can't get over that she is 6 months old. Half a year. It seems to have gone by so quickly.
She has reached all previous milestones at least 1 month ahead of what "the books" say she will. She can roll over front to back and back to front. She is eating solids now and loves green beans. She is trying really hard to sit up right now. She can do it on her own for just 1 or 2 minutes. And toys??? She loves her toys! Especially Mr. Cow and her cold teething toys. She loves her Touch & Feel books, as well. Her Daddy has read to her since week 1! We try to read to her each and every day at least during one wake time. Oh, she is also ticklish now. But the funny part is that she can choose when and how long she is ticklish! When she is done, She is done and you get no more reaction or laughter at all! As a kid, I would have liked to be able to turn it off and on like that!!
1 comment:
So very happy over your blog.I'm sure I'll check it daily.
I had to enlarge every picture!
Just too.........cute!
Love you all so much. She is truely your "pot of gold."
Love, Aunt Linda
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