Friday, March 4, 2011

Emma's 2010 Birthday- June 1

Good morning to you, birthday girl. Good morning to you! We ate breakfast together and I made teddy bear pancakes for her birthday. She thought they were pretty nifty.

I can't even believe that my baby girl is 2 years old today!

Teddy Bear pancakes with raisins for eyes, nose and mouth. YUM!

Cheesin' with Daddy.

Emma helped make her own birthday cupcakes: white cupcakes with strawberry frosting. We chose the color/flavors based on her love of pink right now, not that she actually LIKES strawberry flavoring..... She ate one today and that was it! The rest got dumped. She is a chocolate girl!!

Lickin' the utensils is THE BEST!!!

Having a LOT of fun this morning!!! Frosting cupcakes, licking frosting.... (Grrr.... I somehow deleted 2 more cupcake making pictures AND the one of her eating it after dinner!! and the only way to add it back in is at the very top!!)

Ahhhh!! Now it is time for presents! She got to open a few today, as it is her birthday and the rest was saved for her party.

Talking about her age and that she was now 2 years old like the card said.

New jammies from Grammy & Gramps. "I am NOT sleepy" it says on the front. :-)

Presents from England: from Aunt Sarah, Uncle Richard and her cousins Brandon and Hayden.

She LOVES this book! (Still at almost 3. I was posting these pics and she saw this one and took off for her room. Returning with the book in hand. Showed the screen the book, like she was comparing them.)

Each page has a peekaboo flap to raise in order to see the child's face, and the the last page has a mirror to see your own face. CUTE! CUTE!

What could this be????

A rain jacket from Auntie Sarah. It is the beginning of our rainy season, wonder if she'll get to use it much??? (Later on I found her some pink rain boots at a yard sale)

Trying out her new markers and art paper from Mommy & Daddy. Using that left hand!! What a smarty she is! :-)

Happy Birthday Emma Rose!!